2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2006 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016
Description and Guests
Informational Links
NOTE: In these earliest years, the archive files were encoded in the Real Media format. I have recoded them to MP3 for modern compatibility. While being totally listenable, they lack the quality of the later shows you may have grown accustom too.
NOTE: Many guests' phone#s, webpages and emails may not be still operational I used Archive.org links for some.
phones and emails have be changed.


Future Technology Today!
Holographic Quantum Computers? Laser Driven Starships? Kill germs and disease with light/sound waves? Since fiction? Not hardly, according to UNITEL's Larry Maurer and Mike Miller, who will talk about the science, plans and prototypes to build tomorrow's technology today! (120 mins)

Brian Vike- Everyone's favorite UFO investigator returns for our monthly UFO update (~30mins)

Michael Cremo returns to F2F to talk bout his research and writing on the concept of "Devolution"... Mr Cremo has shown in his book, "Forbidden Archeology" many contradictions and problems with Darwin's theory that humans evolved "up" from lower life forms. Michael has written in his book, "Human Devolution: A Vedic Alternative to Darwin's Theory" his case for Human "devolution" from a higher form of life.


Eve Lorgen explains her research into Aliens and Government Black-Ops who use the sacred, deep, spiritual love connections for study, manipulation and control.

Her Book: "The Love Bite: Alien Interference in Human Love Relationships"


James talks about how to understand 3-D in 2-D, thus, showing how God can be viewed by many different people, and seemingly contradict, but, really are all pictures of the same, greater, being.

Dr. Michael Sharp- Ascension Update There are many effects and expectation from our ascending to a higher plane of existence... an Dr. Sharp will talk about these and other aspects of the process.


James opening comments on the principle of "The Road to Truth via the Path of Non-Contradiction"

Sir Charles Shults III Report on NEW Mars findings, fossils on Mars, and an incredible privately funded project to harness the Suns energy and beam it back from space to earth using low level microwaves to power plants.. and even dissipate hurricanes!!


Lisette Larkins In 2000, Lisette began working with Neale Donald Walsch, author of the bestselling books, Conversations with God, as his personal assistant. With encouragement from Neale, she was introduced to his publisher, Bob Friedman, and Bob helped her to recognize that the ET’s wanted her to begin a series of communications with them. Their goal is to help in the evolution of human culture, and to eventually make more overt contact with the people of Earth.

Wynn Free- The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce? was released on March 11, 2004 published by Frog, Ltd. in Berkeley, California. It presents the case for David Wilcock being the return of America's most recognized prophet and seer. Edgar Cayce died in 1945 and David Wilcock was born in 1973. Those who have studied Wilcock's story usually agree with the premise of the book. But what's even more significant are the prophecies and wisdoms presented by Wilcock's source for the immediate future of mankind. The spiritual significance for the happenings in today's world are explained from a cosmic perspective far beyond human discernment.




James talks abit... also check out this link: http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap050208.html Sent in by Sound Explorer's Wade Gordon

Brian Vike- Everyone's favorite UFO investigator returns for our monthly UFO update(30mins)

Michael Cremo returns to F2F to talk bout his research and writing on the concept of "Devolution"... Mr Cremo has shown in his book, "Forbidden Archeology" many contradictions and problems with Darwin's theory that humans evolved "up" from lower life forms. Michael has written in his book, "Human Devolution: A Vedic Alternative to Darwin's Theory" his case for Human "devolution" from a higher form of life.
( Michael was recently on F2F, but there simply was not enuf time to finish even skimming an overview of this book. Michael has graciously agreed to return to continue where we left off. If you have not heard this previous show, I highly recommend you listen from our Archived Shows to prepare you for this show.)




Dr. Rita Louise: "Is Man's Next Step Like Potted Meat?" (60 mins)

Michael Sunanda & Kirby Urner "The Great Pirates: Past and Present" Michael and Kirby discuss the great pirates of the past, their qualities and who the current "pirates" are, and how they "measure up" to their forefathers. (120 mins)




Danyel Seagan- Danyel has been on F2F before and explained how he had contact with "Multi-Dementional Beings" (Check the Archives to listen to other shows). We talk more on their conversations, and also focus on their relationship with "The Illuminate" (150 mins)

Brian Vike- Everyone's favorite UFO investigator checks in for a "Best Of" session of some of his favorite cases (30 mins)




James, back from his OTR truck run thru the Southwest USA, talks a moment about what can happen if one has faith, and people pray/send vibes, and the synchronicity of life.. if is let it synchronize...

Mindsweep is Stacie Rodgers first published book. Rodgers has been writing since the 70's where a daily journal log was required at Tamarind the experimental experimental rainforest school on the Caribbean Island where she grew up.
Rodgers was introduced early to the supra-natural and the multi-dimentionality of life as her formative years were infused by the wisdom of many indigenous shaman. The first, an African Sangoma, from down Island (the Lessor Antilles). Come and listen to Stacie's vast experience in the world of weird and hear about her first hand encounter with non-human entities (including the Tall Whites, Greys, Reptilians, and Mantis beings) and the "Ancient Others" who directly influence all of Humankind.

03/13/05 Mick and Sylvie Avery aim to bring truthful education in our work for spirit, and allow their physical bodies to be used by the spirit world for purposes of communication or healing, in whatever way required at that moment. This can be through trance-voice mediumship, mentally, or physically. Listen as "Gregory" is channeled and offers insights for the successful continuation and healing of humankind.
03/20/05 Donna Reis Certified Chromatologist, Internationally recognized as an expert in the field of Chromatology (the study of color and light on all living things). Donna developed the only non-programmable aura imaging camera in the world to date. She is an internationally recognized speaker, author, and educator. Donna is available for personal consultations, speaking engagements, lecturing agendas, fund raisers, business development and private sessions..

Dr. Rita's Soul-Healer Moment

One a month, Dr. Rita Louise will examine a Human emotion, and it's positive and/or negatives affects on the human body, mind and soul, and will offer tips to alter the energy patterns and thus it's course, which often ends in chronic illness. This Month: Anxiety

Glen Kimball- The REAL Post Crucifixion story unbiased and non-dogmatic from Ancient Manuscripts

Here are an example of a few items of note:

Within two years of the crucifixion Pilate was recalled to Rome after spending ten years as Governor of the Eastern Province to account for his participation in the crucifixion. One of the records suggests that Tiberius beheaded him and the other said that he committed suicide. There was a shocking event recorded in the Pretoria of Tiberius Caesar when Pilate was taken before Tiberius Caesar. It is reported that their was an earthquake-like event which destroyed statues in the hall. Tiberius obviously wasn't in favor of what happened.....

By this time Bibles were going in all four directions. The Bee Bible went to the Far East into China and emerges in our day in the Eastern Church. The Kebra Nagast appears in Africa. The Gospel of the Twelve Apostles, used by the earliest Christians appears in Persia and India and later is protected today by the Dahlia Lama. The Kolbrin is begun in Britain and later appears with the exiles in New Zealand. The Nag Hammadi is buried for safe keeping in Egypt. The Dead Sea Scrolls is buried in Qumran....

Tune in for many more


HBCC UFO Report with Brian Vike The First Sunday of each month, everyone's favorite UFO investigator, Brian Vike, returns for his monthly UFO update

LIVE interviews with a number of the speakers (Dennis Balthaser, Scott Ramsey and Susan Ramsey) at the 2005 Aztec New Mexico UFO Conference

An Extended This Week In Free Energy Report with Sterling Allen
Sterling will talk about a story involving a recent interview of Lutec 1000 co-inventor Lu Brits who claimed to have a prototype that has been in operation for 3-4 years that generates 15 times more out than it takes to run, tapping "space energy" and is preparing for production.





Looking @ Life with Lita Field (On the 2nd Sunday each month at 7:30pm Central) deals with how things work in the 3rd dimension we call reality and beyond. Her intention is to inspire and stimulate by talking about experiences & gathering information covering many subjects such as: Crystals, Aromatherapy & Healing Techniques. This Month's Topic: Essential Oils Lita Field is Registered Psychiatric Nurse, Clinical Hypnotherapist, 30 years of Metaphysical Research, Level 2 Reiki and Advanced Silva.

Russell Targ is a physicist and author who was a pioneer in the development of the laser and laser applications, and was co-founder of the previously secret Stanford Research Institute’s investigation into psychic abilities in the 1970s and 1980s. His work in this new area, called Remote Viewing, was published in Nature, The Proceedings of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Targ did graduate work in physics at Columbia University, and is co-author of six books dealing with the scientific investigation of psychic abilities: most recently, Limitless Mind: A Guide to Remote Viewing and Transformation of Consciousness. In 1997 Targ retired from Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space Co. as a senior staff scientist, where he developed airborne laser systems for the detection of wind shear. He now pursues ESP research in Palo Alto, California, and is also publishing special editions of classic books is psychical research.


Dr. Rita's Soul-Healer Moment One a month, Dr. Rita Louise will examine a Human emotion, and it's positive and/or negatives affects on the human body, mind and soul, and will offer tips to alter the energy patterns and thus it's course, which often ends in chronic illness. This week's Topic: Hopelessness

Tammy Joy Kennedy is the Red Rider in Oklahoma. A health freedom fighter and second generation Nerve Signal Interference (NSI) Specialist, she has done homage to the Son as the First Disciple of Craton, her grandfather. Dr. Earl Franklin Craton has been published numerous times in the chiropractic journals and even won the Texas Chiropractic College’s (TCC’s) Centennial Award in 1995. Craton, which means land, denounced his profession in 1996 and Tammy has since found extremely strong parallels to Hopi prophecy in the ensuing battle for the public health, safety, and welfare of the people. Tammy wishes to share/train Health Professionals with the life saving, and body healing techniques, pioneered by her Grandfather, but are shunned by most MDs and Chiropractics alike.



04/24/05 Dr. Michael Sharp on Entheogens An armchair discussion about the nature of creation, consciousness, the intersection of mind and Spirit, and the impact of entheogens on the "veiled" consciousness of the body.

Brian Vike with a monthly update on the latest and greatest UFO reports filed on HBCCUFO

Stanton T. Friedman received BSc and MSc degrees in physics from the University of Chicago in 1955 and 1956. He was employed for 14 years as a nuclear physicist for such companies as GE, GM, Westinghouse, TRW Systems, Aerojet General Nucleonics, and McDonnell Douglas on such advanced, classified, eventually cancelled, projects as nuclear aircraft, fission and fusion rockets, and nuclear powerplants for space. Stanton Friedman takes a clear-cut unambiguous stand that SOME UFOs are alien spacecraft, that the subject of flying saucers represents a Cosmic Watergate, that none of the anti-UFO arguments made by a variety of noisy negativists stand up to careful scrutiny, and that we are dealing with the biggest story of the past millennium: visits to Planet Earth by alien spacecraft and the successful coverup by governments of the best data: alien wreckage and bodies recovered in New Mexico, for 56 years. He has spent many weeks at a total of 20 document archives. Stan has successfully taken on many critics of flying saucers, Roswell, Majestic 12, including winning a debate at Oxford University.




Looking @ Life with Lita Field deals with how things work in the 3rd dimension we call reality and beyond. Her intention is to inspire and stimulate by talking about experiences & gathering information covering many subjects such as: Crystals, Aromatherapy & Healing Techniques. This Month's Topic: Dr. Moto's Water

Andy Lloyd "The Dark Star Theory"
A Dark Binary Twin with the sun? This body has been proposed by many down the years to account for numerous astronomical anomalies. Clearly, it remains the subject of speculation, and no one can yet claim that it definitely exists. Nevertheless, the potential for a small brown dwarf to be found orbiting the Sun is not only scientifically plausible, but would enable us to tie up a great number of loose ends in ancient religion and mythology. The recent discovery of the minor planet Sedna lends credence to this claim on a number of levels. Andy has now updated this theory substantially, moving closer to Zecharia Sitchin's own previous work but also incorporating a swath of new scientific findings into an elegant new hypothesis.


Dr. Rita's Soul-Healer Moment One a month, Dr. Rita Louise will examine a Human emotion, and it's positive and/or negatives affects on the human body, mind and soul, and will offer tips to alter the energy patterns and thus it's course, which often ends in chronic illness. This Months Emotion: Surrender: The Art of Letting Go

James McCanney returns to F2F with a few things to talk about:
1)- The Situation at Yellowstone and his project to drain the lake from the caldera to minimize potential explosion if the caldera were to breach and the water drop into the magma.
2)- A type of Suborbital Flight which could revolutionize the way we fly.
3)- NASA was supposed to have launched the shuttle May 15 but it was postponed again into July ... do we really have a space program?
4)- Also, a Planet X Update




By listener request, Nancy Lieder returns to F2F to give us a "Planet X" update. She has prepared a special webpage for F2F listeners for use with this show

Since moving to Roswell New Mexico in 1999, author / experiencer Guy Malone has made great strides in getting many Christians to study the reality of the UFO / Abduction phenomenon, as well as getting many non-Christians to consider that the Bible contains relevant information about it's source. In 2000, he founded Alien Resistance HQ, a non-profit bookstore which offers Roswell's tourists and interested parties books containing orthodox Biblical perspectives on UFOs and abductions, but not generally found in Christian or UFO-themed bookstores. His Ancient of Days conferences have brought together credentialed researchers, speakers and attendees of diverse and even opposing backgrounds, to successfully encourage theological inquiry into its nature, and to allow interaction and discussion amongst people of varying points of view to learn from one another in an amiable environment. Malone currently maintains several websites on these topics, and writes a regular column for UFO Magazine.


Ron Domin From birth, Ron Domin was plagued with severe health issues. Born with yeast infections, undiagnosed until the fungus was throughout his system... chronic tonsillitis (in which multi-doses of antibiotics was ingested for many months!)... severe allergies... even to his clothes... and the biggest blow... a total blockage in his intestine and resulting bleeding which was misdiagnosed time and again.. Year after year...
This would of driven many down, but in Ron's case, it drove him to learn about health after he walked into a health food store one day and saw a book called the "Yeast Connection" by William Crook.. which connected a lot of dots and. Ron has managed to eliminate nearly all his other health problems including severe allergies, severe sinus blockage, severe chronic insomnia, lactose intolerance all while still dealing with the recurring intestinal blockage.. They, now after 30 years!, think it is a rare disorder called 'Chronic intestinal- pseudo obstruction' which is considered an incurable condition. But in the process Ron has learned a ton about how we can treat and keep ourselves well naturally and learned, doing hard time, what is the the BS and the Beauty of natural health care. (Ron will appear monthly to share was his has discovered!) This Month: How to build your Immune System

Scott Christiansen Who is Scott? "In the book, Bridging the Gap, each reader is given a 12 part formula to answer that very question. I then offer my own answers to these questions in the following chapter as a reference guide. So, to truly answer the question, “Who is Scott?” I would recommend reading that chapter of the book. In short I would say, “Scott is a Servant”. It is my goal to be of service to as many as I can. I enjoy helping people along their journey. I enjoy “tuning in” and getting people the answers that they need. Whether I am working one on one, in a group setting or with corporations and organizations, I operate out of love. I welcome the opportunity to work with you too!"




Brian Vike with a monthly update on the latest and greatest UFO reports filed at www.hbccufo.org

Patrick Heron Born in Dublin in 1952, Patric Heron had a type of epiphany at age 24 while reading the Bible. Thus began his Christian walk. He became interested in bible prophecy concerning "end times" about 1996. In 1997, his first book "Apocalypse Soon" was published and became a Best Seller. A second book "Apocalypse 2000" was also a success. There has been amazing interest to-date in his new book "The Nephilim and the Pyramid of the Apocalypse" It quickly became the 1 seller in the "Prophecy" section at Amazon. It is believed to be the FIRST EVER book proving overwhelmingly who built the pyramids and why. Patrick has a B.Sc. and M.A. in Business Studies from Trinity College, Dublin and a Bachelor of Theology degree from The College of Biblical Research, Rome City, Indiana, U.S.A. He owns and runs his own company in Dublin, Ireland, where he lives with his family. He is not associated with any particular church or denomination.


Looking @ Life with Lita Field (On the 2nd Sunday each month at 7:30pm Central) deals with how things work in the 3rd dimension we call reality and beyond. Her intention is to inspire and stimulate by talking about experiences & gathering information covering many subjects such as: Crystals, Aromatherapy & Healing Techniques. This Month: Are We Simply "Allowing" Reality to Manifest About Us??

Neil Slade His books "The Frontal Lobes Supercharge" and "Have Fun are easy to use do-it-yourself manuals for turning on untapped areas of each and every persons' brain- "the other 90%". His revolutionary lessons let any person access pre-existing circuits for creativity, intelligence, and pleasure with methods and exercises proven under scientific investigation, as well as real world daily applications. "Have Fun" is a unique set of 35 "anti-rules" which reject common mis-perceptions and neutralizes common obstacles of doing and learning. "The Frontal Lobes Handbook" outlines the basic principles of how the human brain works, and guides readers how to not only sharpen their everyday working mind, but how to access higher modes of advanced Frontal Lobes circuits which turn on such "hidden" functions as pre-cognition, clairvoyance, clairaudience, telepathy, and telekinesis, as well as allow the ability to communicate with non-ordinary physical and non-physical intelligences and entities. (for a more detailed Bio on Neil Slade)


Dr. Rita's Soul-Healer Moment One a month, Dr. Rita Louise will examine a Human emotion, and it's positive and/or negatives affects on the human body, mind and soul, and will offer tips to alter the energy patterns and thus it's course, which often ends in chronic illness. This Months Emotion: JOY

Sue Storm is an author, motivational speaker and consultant specializing in Angel communication. She has made numerous appearances on television and radio, as well as being featured in Chicago newspapers. With the use of Angelic Guidance, Sue has successfully shown hundreds of individuals how to transform their lives.




Ron Domin's "Real" Alternate Health Info Dealing with an extraordrinary amount of health circumstances, stemming from a rare intestinal disorder, going all the way back to birth, of which appears to be caused from improper treatment by conventional medicine, led Ron to deeply explore health alternatives. In the process Ron has found many effective natural alternatives which we can use to treat and keep ourselves well naturally. This Month: Real Natural Support for Weight Loss

Dr. Ed Craft is the founder of Magick Mind and a founding Member of INTAPARA the International Alliance for the Paranormal and has been interviewed on a number of radio talk shows on subject of both Magick and the "Para"Normal. He is also the host of Magick Mind Radio and currently spends his time taking care of his his sons and enjoying the great mystery of life itself while hosting his nightly radio program. He also researches and investigates the "Para"Normal, Magick, Religion, Ufology, Crytozoology and Spiritualism.

Dr. Jimmy Lowery hosts A.P.S.R. Paranormal Talk Radio Show. Dr. Jimmy, as he goes by on his show, has been involved in Paranormal Research for over 20 years. He started the radio show in March of 2004 as a sort of hobby, but became so popular that IBC Radio Network pick he and his show up for syndication. A.P.S.R. stands for Alabama ParaSpiritual Research, which was founded by Dr. Jimmy and continues to do research on the spiritual realm of the unexplained. He has been involved in numerous cases that involved not only human spirit hauntings but that of the darker side as well, the demonic.




Brian Vike with a monthly update on the latest and greatest UFO reports filed at www.hbccufo.org

Patrick Cooke explains his work, in his words: The purpose of this work is to present proof that the UFOs in our modern skies have been flying in those skies for the entirety of world history. The beings controlling these high tech flying vehicles are not "aliens", in the sense that they are visitors to this world, but in fact the same beings that terra formed / created the biosphere we inhabit. Human beings have recorded the presence of these beings since the dawn of time, and are more closely related to them than has been revealed by the true powers in control of the information, which forms the mainstream view of this concept.
This work does not attempt to prove God is an alien; it presents ample evidence and simple logic that the Gods have been mistaken for an alien race. We present this evidence to show mankind that there are forces on this planet, which have reason to condition mankind into believing the Earth is under threat of an alien invasion. Those forces are now manipulating mankind into a warlike and defensive posture, which will soon be refocused from the current planetary terrorist threat to an “extraterrestrial” terrorist threat, an invasion from space. The result is all humanity will unite against the returning fleet of the Christ returning to Earth to capture, and imprison those evil forces plaguing the planet. Mankind is being recruited to arm itself with massive planetary, and space based weapons to fight against a destructive alien invasion, which will actually be the returning Christ they claim to worship, and expect to save the world
The Greatest Deception is that mankind has been falsely led to believe that the Gods could pose a threat to the very race they created. And as the deception grows the true enemy is destroying the planet's environment, and the wealth, diversity, and social structure of all global civilizations through monetary, and social control in every aspect of life. The ultimate goal is world domination by global corporate financial powers and social monitoring, with the resulting threat of planetary devastation, and eventual destruction. The ultimate eradication of all known life will be stayed only by the intervention of those beings flying in our skies, as evidenced in the writings of the world's ancient cultures. One of those ancient writings is the King James Bible, a work that could just as easily be called, "The Ultimate Guide To UFOs And Their Occupants"


Looking @ Life with Lita Field This Month's Topic: Fundamentals of a Master

Prophet (of) Yahweh has been around for years... But after he summoned the appearance of a UFO (orb?) for an astonished Las Vegas TV news team, he has gained momentum. He has appeared on numerous Paranormal talks shows, many of which were in a "debate" format between others who very much disagree with his teachings and call him everything from fraud to false prophet. This weeks show will not be a debate, but a probe, using James' "Lack of Contradiction" format to investigate: 1)- The communication with, in his words, "the voice in my head that calls himself Yahweh" 2)- The mechanisms that allows UFOs to appear on request. 3)- The proclaimed appearance of a (significant) UFO over Las Vegas that will hover there for 36 hours by July 15th, 2005. 4)- His writings and teachings on his website and via his email list as it relates to the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures. These points were discussed on the phone and agreed to by Prophet (of) Yahweh, and he has said he is looking forward to this discussion. Listener calls may be allowed if there is time. But all comments by ALL parties, must be offered in honest respect, as the principles discussed of VERY sensitive, and deal with deep, religious, cultural beliefs of many.


Dr. Rita's Soul-Healer Moment This Months Emotion: PASSION

Glen Kimball- Did the Jesus of the Bible ever really exist? In reference to RENSE posting and many other writers that assert Jesus was "created" by The Church. Lets look to Ancients Texts to shed light, and see what texts moderns are accepting and ignoring.





James left The IBC Radio Network for various reasons. The network eventually collapsed. James took this time to re-tool and form his own network and Internet Distribution system which allowed many Internet radio stations to carry the show moving forward.

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